By Diego Nascimento

Once a shy little boy tried unsuccessfully to make friends at school. When he found the courage and approached colleagues just to talk, he was left alone in a matter of seconds. That boy knew the reason: “The group was already complete, and they did not need him in it.” Even in childhood, the young student of the school of life was a victim of rejection. Time passed and that little boy became the author of this article you are reading now. I overcame this stage with tranquility, and I have to say that my life was saved.  Keep reading to better understand the reasons.

Recently I was invited to give a lecture in the United States. The audience consisted of adolescents, youth and adults from various regions of the US as well as Canada. The talk addressed the following theme:  “We are not here by accident. We are here for a purpose.” What is apparently an obvious statement has become a dilemma for the world’s population.  Ask any psychology professional and you will be startled by the high numbers of people who are asking for help because they “do not know what to do.”  College professors, recruiters and consultants will also be able to offer similar reports that have been circulating in educational institutions, even in family circles. Our emotions present opportunities, however, if not managed in the right way, they can have drastic consequences in our lives.

What I have said in that international presentation, I will repeat to you; we are by no means the fruit of chance. Through understanding it is much easier to set goals and deadlines for your DREAMS. This temporal and imaginary rule containing what you crave for tomorrow, next year, or ten years brings benefits to the organization of the home, schoolwork, accounts payable, and even books on the shelf. It is sad to see those who “decides everything by his gut.” This is a term used in my land, the state of Minas Gerais, and is directed to those who have no desire to fly high.

You may be wondering, “Diego, why are you here?” My answer is: “to make a difference.” I affirm and reaffirm: success is not necessarily linked to your bank account or to your exposure as being famous on TV, the Internet , magazines or newspapers. Making a difference involves adding to the lives of others, contributing to yourself and others, even if it means sacrificing. Human individuality is slowly killing society. Respect is considered a virtue when it should be a basic attribute.

I will close by explaining how the apparent rejection of my classmates saved my life; it was because of this and other experiences that I began to observe more, to discover the benefits of listening and improving the techniques of learning and teaching Personal Marketing.  But even so, this is on a case by case basis.  The great book of Proverbs in chapter 3, verse 13 says, “Blessed is the man that finds wisdom, and the man that gets knowledge.” I have sought to follow this guideline in my daily life. Far from perfection I recognize my faults, but I am able to have an answer for the reason why I am here, right now, writing to you.

Next time you are asked the same question, choose the right one and make a difference!

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